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Ancrage local, force mondialeLOCAL PRESENCE, GLOBAL STRENGTH

In France, Spain and the United States, we want strong autonomy for our sites, allowing us to offer the best service to customers and to develop networks of local suppliers. Group departments provide support, bringing in complementary expertise and encouraging the sharing of best practices, particularly in CSR.

As close as possible to local realities, all aligned with the highest standards

For many years now, all of our sites have been certified to the highest international standards.

  • Quality (ISO 9001)
  • Environment (ISO 14001)
  • Safety (ISO 45001)
  • GMP Cosmetics (Good Manufacturing Practices for Cosmetics, ISO 22716)

Furthermore, our historic site in Mers-les-Bains was certified ISO 50001 (energy management) in 2019, and serves as a benchmark for our site in La Granja, which aims to obtain this certification in 2020.

Reducing its impact on the climate, conserving resources and improving its results through effective energy management are in our sights. A reference benchmark to be adapted to the local context.

A shared language: “One Verescence”

Fostering agility is one of our ongoing challenges. This requires:

  • a dose of autonomy left to each site;
  • the existence of a strong and common corporate culture;
  • organization of support services enabling the rapid deployment of best practices;
  • common standards for key processes.

In addition to the monthly improvement steering committee meetings at each site, cross-functional committee meetings by support functions are held periodically to promote the deployment of best practices (Quality, HSE, Technical, Procurement, HR, Finance, etc.)

Regular inter-site exchanges take place, whether it involves assistance in delicate situations, such as the Spanish and French experts who went to our American site to reactivate a line following a fire start, or assistance with the start-up of new equipment, such as the deployment of hot stamping in Spain, helped by the expertise of our French sites, it’s also an opportunity to send operators for training. To further foster these exchanges, the deployment of latest-generation connected eyewear, particularly suited to the industrial environment, was a practice we applied between our sites in 2019-2020.
